Our Mission

The mission of PEER Wellness Center is to put a positive face on recovery and reduce the impact of mental health and substance use disorders in our community.
We accomplish this by:
cultivating an environment of acceptance and inclusion
by linking peers to existing community resources
by utilizing the success, skills, and support of volunteers who have lived experience with mental health and substance use disorders to deliver peer-led and peer-delivered services, and
by being an advocate in our community that educates and reduces the stigma surrounding mental health and substance use issues.
Our Vision
The vision of PEER Wellness Center is to create a culture of wellness and positivity that supports long-term recovery for those who face challenges from mental health and substance abuse disorders.
Our Values
These core values create the conceptual framework and philosophy that enable us to fulfill our purpose:​
You are in recovery if you say you are
Support all pathways to recovery
Recovery meets you where you are at
Focus on the recovery potential, not the pathology
Everyone has a strength to share
Recovery is a gift; expect to pay it forward
The path of recovery is life-long
Ongoing community support is vital to successful outcomes
We support the wellness of the full person
A Bit About Us
Founded by the Valley County Opioid Response Project (VCORP) and PEER Wellness Center in 2020, The ROC (Recovery Oriented Community) is a recovery community center that exists to advocate for and support individuals seeking to initiate or maintain Recovery from behavioral health and/or substance use issues.
Everyone is greeted with a hot cup of coffee and asked,
"How can we help you in your recovery today?"
The ROC is a positive, welcoming and supportive environment that acknowledges all pathways to Recovery. Working in collaboration with our amazing community partners, the center is a resource for skill-building, education, information, support and socialization for those in recovery and their loved ones. It is not a clubhouse, a drop-in center, or a crisis center - but it does contain elements of all three.
It is a place where isolation becomes inclusion, problems find solutions, and strangers become friends.
By its very existence, it makes real the belief that recovery from
mental illness and substance use disorder is possible.
"A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life and strive to reach their full potential."
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA)